White Spruce Farms was established in 2001 and has evolved into a unique place for riders to learn safely and affordably with Susan's unique systematic approach to teaching traditional dressage and safe horsemanship in a way that addresses the promotion of Confidence in both horse and rider through education, fitness and mindfulness. We offer private riding lessons, weekly group groundwork lessons, Free Video Training Series as well as Susan's unique progressive web app with systematic lessons on improving confidence. Sunday lessons on the farm for beginner and intermediate riders are taught by Jessie Blakeney- Hayward. Susan is available for off farm lessons on Sundays. We take great pride in our ability to run a quality program that allows us to provide affordable and safe lessons. To learn more about our program please check out our Lessons and Training page.
Susan Rainville is the owner, head trainer and riding instructor at White Spruce Farms. She has 23 years teaching experience and is a USDF Bronze and Silver medalist. Over the past 23 years Susan has developed a systematic approach to helping riders have a Confident relationship with horses. Many students of all ages have come through with different levels of experience and issues and have helped Susan develop her Confidence Connection Method. To learn more please check out the Confidence Coaching page on this site.
Susan and her horse Tattoo have competed in multiple Regional Championships at Second, Third, and Fourth Level and have also successfully shown at FEI Prix St. Georges and Intermediare. Many wonderful trainers like Willam Warren, Bill McMullen, Lendon Grey, Jane Karol, Nancy Lavoie, Gerrit Claes Bierenbroodspot and Conrad Schumacher gave Susan the traditional dressage foundation needed to achieve the success she has had with Tattoo. Many hours of observation and participation in Dressage4Kids Inc. programs has greatly contributed to Susan's knowledge, riding and teaching abilities.
With the help of her wonderful gelding Bastian, Susan expanded her education by learning Response training and trick training to help not only enhance dressage training but to help horses who haven't always had the best start. In addition to Bastian and Susan having had the pleasure of working one on one with Tristan Tucker, Susan is a faithful subscriber to Tristan's on-line training and is very grateful to the knowledge she has gained through it to help Bastian overcome being a very scared and reactive horse. He is now a cool cucumber at the horse shows where he and Susan have successfully competed Training level through Second level. Bastian currently has a career as a school horse and his dressage training continues to progress into Third level. Susan continues to use all she has learned with Bastian on every horse she works with.
Currently Susan's pride and joy is her beautiful 7 year old mare Esprit Du Feu. The pair have been together since Esprit was 2 years old. Susan has backed and trained Esprit herself with the kind guidance from Bill McMullen and Jane Karol. Esprit has already had a very successful show career having earned her USDF Training and First level Performance awards and completing all the requirements for the USDF ALL BREEDS AWARD at training level and first level as a 5 and 6 year old. At this time Esprit. is currently working and showing at second level. Susan and Esprit have recently been chosen to receive The Verne Batchelder Instructor's Fund Grant from The Dressage Foundation to continue Esprit's training into Third Level.
Susan has generously put together a free training video series. Please find Susan Rainville on YouTube and Subscribe for free. You can also find the Free Training Series on Susan's Confidence Coaching site where the lessons are arranged in a fun follow along format that is easier to keep track of where you left off then going directly to YouTube.
Jessie Blakeney-Hayward is the assistant trainer at White Spruce Farms. She teaches beginner and intermediate dressage lessons on Sundays. Jessie has apprenticed and worked with Susan for the past 6 years.
Susan Rainville is the owner, head trainer and riding instructor at White Spruce Farms. She has 23 years teaching experience and is a USDF Bronze and Silver medalist. Over the past 23 years Susan has developed a systematic approach to helping riders have a Confident relationship with horses. Many students of all ages have come through with different levels of experience and issues and have helped Susan develop her Confidence Connection Method. To learn more please check out the Confidence Coaching page on this site.
Susan and her horse Tattoo have competed in multiple Regional Championships at Second, Third, and Fourth Level and have also successfully shown at FEI Prix St. Georges and Intermediare. Many wonderful trainers like Willam Warren, Bill McMullen, Lendon Grey, Jane Karol, Nancy Lavoie, Gerrit Claes Bierenbroodspot and Conrad Schumacher gave Susan the traditional dressage foundation needed to achieve the success she has had with Tattoo. Many hours of observation and participation in Dressage4Kids Inc. programs has greatly contributed to Susan's knowledge, riding and teaching abilities.
With the help of her wonderful gelding Bastian, Susan expanded her education by learning Response training and trick training to help not only enhance dressage training but to help horses who haven't always had the best start. In addition to Bastian and Susan having had the pleasure of working one on one with Tristan Tucker, Susan is a faithful subscriber to Tristan's on-line training and is very grateful to the knowledge she has gained through it to help Bastian overcome being a very scared and reactive horse. He is now a cool cucumber at the horse shows where he and Susan have successfully competed Training level through Second level. Bastian currently has a career as a school horse and his dressage training continues to progress into Third level. Susan continues to use all she has learned with Bastian on every horse she works with.
Currently Susan's pride and joy is her beautiful 7 year old mare Esprit Du Feu. The pair have been together since Esprit was 2 years old. Susan has backed and trained Esprit herself with the kind guidance from Bill McMullen and Jane Karol. Esprit has already had a very successful show career having earned her USDF Training and First level Performance awards and completing all the requirements for the USDF ALL BREEDS AWARD at training level and first level as a 5 and 6 year old. At this time Esprit. is currently working and showing at second level. Susan and Esprit have recently been chosen to receive The Verne Batchelder Instructor's Fund Grant from The Dressage Foundation to continue Esprit's training into Third Level.
Susan has generously put together a free training video series. Please find Susan Rainville on YouTube and Subscribe for free. You can also find the Free Training Series on Susan's Confidence Coaching site where the lessons are arranged in a fun follow along format that is easier to keep track of where you left off then going directly to YouTube.
Jessie Blakeney-Hayward is the assistant trainer at White Spruce Farms. She teaches beginner and intermediate dressage lessons on Sundays. Jessie has apprenticed and worked with Susan for the past 6 years.